
If you are currently experiencing an emergency or major crisis and considering serious self-harm, it is vital to get immediate help.

This could include contacting your GP or your nearest A&E service. 

National Helpline UK numbers:

  • Samaritans | Call 116 123
  • Muslim Youth Helpline | Call 0808 808 2008
  • Childline | Call 0800 1111
  • Muslim Women’s Network UK | Call 0800 999 5786
  • National Domestic Abuse Helpline | Call 0808 2000 247
  • Ann Craft Trust – a leading UK authority on safeguarding adults and young people at risk.
  • Ask for Ani – is a code word that victims of domestic abuse can use in pharmacies to seek immediate support.
  • CALM – Campaign against Living Miserably (CALM).  CALM run a free and confidential helpline and webchat – open from 5pm to midnight every day, for anyone who needs to talk about life’s problems.  They support those bereaved by suicide, through the Support After Suicide Partnership (SASP).
  • Enough (HM Government) – providing information and support for all victims of domestic abuse.
  • Hollie Guard – can be downloaded onto a smartphone and activated when in need of immediate support, immediately notifying your chosen contacts, pinpointing your location and sending audio and video evidence directly to their mobile phones.
  • Man Kind Initiative 01823 334 244 – helping men escape domestic abuse.
  • Men’s Advice Line – Respect: The Helpline for male victims of domestic abuse.
  • National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247 – the freephone, 24 hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline.